Elmer Hoffses
Elmer Hoffses tells a story about the boats in the harbor freezing during winter and the Coast Guard’s attempts to get them out. He then goes on to talk about Guy Peabody taking a car driving at night and Uncle Bob taking charge of a cargo boat that had been abandoned. The tape ends with short conversations and jokes between unknown men about buying a house, carpenters, lobstering, traps, cooking, etc.
- Beals Island
- , Washington
- County
Molly Tucker, Ela Keegan
project facilitator.
Not defined
Suggested citation: Hoffses, Elmer, The Beals Heritage Museum Oral History Interview, Transcribed by Mapping Oceans Stories 2020 class in collaboration with The First Coast, (1968), by unknown, X pages, Maine Sound and Story. Online: Insert URL (Last Accessed: Insert Date).