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Joanna Fogg

Joanna Fogg has lived on Mount Desert Island her whole life, and her time here has involved lobstering, working on yachts, and most recently, oyster farming near the Mount Desert Narrows. Her business has been growing in the last six years, even as she sells almost exclusively on-island.





Tiegan Paulson

project facilitator.

Galen Koch

Suggested citation: Fogg, Joanna, Frenchman Bay Oral History Project, May 5th, 2023, by Tiegan Paulson, 18 pages, Maine Sound and Story. Online: Insert URL (Last Accessed: Insert Date).


Oral histories are personal first-hand narratives of the past, and rely on the memories, interpretations, and opinions of the narrator. As such, they may contain offensive language, differing viewpoints, and/or negative stereotypes. The opinions expressed in the accounts here reflect those of the narrator, and not the positions of Maine Sound & Story.

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