Marc Hoffman
In this interview, Marc Hoffman—from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Advisory Panel and based in New York City, NY—talks about his automobile lubricant company M. K. Hoffman Association and shares his perspective and involvement in the 2008 global recession in oil prices and failure of home mortgages. He also talks about his recent book Shell Game. In the last part of the interview, Hoffman explains his role in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Advisory Panel and the current challenges that rapidly increasing sea bass populations may cause to the lobster industry and inshore lobsterman in the Gulf of Maine.
Annaleena Vaher
project facilitator.
Natalie Springuel
Suggested citation: Hoffman, Marc Oral History Interview, February 28, 2019, by Natalie Springuel and Corina Gribble, 10 pages, Maine Sound & Story Online: Insert URL (Last Accessed: Insert Date).